The Web3 Founders Guide to Pitching to Launchpads 

In the competitive web3 space where venture capital funding into Web3 startups tanked 82% year-over-year since Q1 2022, according to recent reports, more and more web 3 projects are turning to launchpads as a way of raising capital.

At Uplift DAO, we look out for exciting projects with strong teams who exhibit the potential to build great projects which create lasting value in the Web3 ecosystem. For those navigating this exciting world and looking to secure funding, understanding what launchpads seek in a project is critical. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the essentials of crafting a successful pitch to accelerators like Uplift DAO as well as give you some insight into what we look for in projects we partner with. 

1. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

The USP is the lifeblood of your project. It is the distinctive advantage that sets you apart from the crowd in the Web3 space. Uplift DAO values uniqueness, so clearly defining your project’s USP is a pivotal first step. This might be a unique problem that your Web3 solution is geared to solve, a fresh approach to an old issue, or a novel user experience that your project promises to deliver. Whether it’s a unique protocol, an innovative application, or a game-changing service, your USP can be the breakthrough that captures the attention of a launchpad.

2. Comprehensive Roadmap 

A roadmap speaks volumes about your project’s potential. It not only demonstrates your vision but also lays out the strategic plan to turn your vision into reality. At Uplift DAO, we appreciate a well-articulated roadmap that outlines the project’s development stages, key milestones, timelines, and significant updates. A roadmap underscores your understanding of the journey ahead and assures us that you have a concrete plan for the future.

3. Tokenomics

Tokenomics, or the economics of your token, is an integral aspect of Web3 projects that potential investors scrutinise closely. You need to detail the total supply, distribution, pricing, and utilities of your token. If your project involves a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO), it’s essential to clarify the mechanisms of governance. Will your tokens play a role in incentivising and stimulating user engagement? An investor or launchpad like Uplift DAO needs to see that your project is not only innovative but also has a robust financial model.

4. The Core Team and Founders

Your team is the driving force behind your project. We at Uplift DAO place considerable importance on the skills, expertise, and accomplishments of a project’s core team and founders. Do share detailed profiles of your team members, emphasising their past successes, industry experience, and specific skills that make them well-suited to deliver the project. Providing LinkedIn profiles or other relevant resources helps us get a more comprehensive understanding of your team’s capabilities.

5. Past Projects 

Success breeds success. If you or your team members have been part of successful projects in the past, particularly in the Web3 domain, it is vital to bring those to light. Discussing past victories and the quantitative results achieved therein can significantly enhance your project’s credibility. It demonstrates that your team is capable of achieving growth and can replicate past successes.

6. Community 

In the decentralised world of Web3, the community is a significant asset. An active, engaged community translates to organic growth and validation of your project’s value proposition. Uplift DAO understands the power of community, so make sure to elaborate on your strategies for building and maintaining an active community across various platforms such as Discord, Telegram, and Twitter. The more substantial and more engaged your community, the brighter your project shines in the eyes of investors.

7. Investors and Partners

Your current investors and partners can be a testament to the viability and potential of your project. By discussing who has already invested in your startup or who you’re in talks with, you demonstrate market validation and add to the credibility of your project. At Uplift DAO, we take note of these details as they can indicate the promise that others see in your project.

8. Regulatory Compliance

The complex world of Web3 often involves intricate legal and regulatory dimensions, especially with token offerings. Make sure to detail how your project navigates these challenges, any audits you’ve undergone, and plans you have in place to manage potential risks. Demonstrating that you’ve thought through these aspects assures launchpads like Uplift DAO of your project’s robustness and resilience.

9. Proof of Concept or MVP 

Having a Proof of Concept or a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) significantly strengthens your project’s appeal and shows investors like Uplift DAO that your ideas have been validated and that your project is more than just a concept – it’s a tangible solution. Providing a demo or allowing access to a working version of your product or service can be a game-changer in the eyes of launchpad platforms.

As you venture forth to secure investment for your Web3 project, remember to be transparent, confident, and prepared to address all queries about your project. At Uplift DAO, we value projects that align with our core values and resonate with our vision for a progressive Web3 ecosystem. Craft your pitch keeping these points in mind, and you could be on your way to a thriving partnership with launchpads like Uplift DAO. Here’s to transforming the future of Web3, one pitch at a time!

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KaJ Labs partners with Uplift DAO to help source and spearhead exceptional Web3 projects